(En Espanol)
A $1,500.00 refundable deposit is required to hold the Hall in your name. (This deposit is the same whether or not you will be serving alcohol at your event.) Your balance must be paid thirty (30) days prior to your event. This deposit covers cleaning and damages. To be sure that your deposit will be fully refunded, leave the Hall in the same condition. A check list will be completed by both the renter and the security officer.
- Friday/Saturday/Sunday – $2,000.00 + deposit + security guard(s)*
- Monday through Thursday – $1,500.00 + deposit + security guard(s)*
All holidays are charged at the Saturday rate, despite the day they fall on and rental depends on guard availability.
*Homeowner discount is 10% off — available ONLY if your assessments are paid current.

Your rental price includes the main auditorium, kitchen, and outside patio. These prices are subject to change at the Board’s discretion. Security is mandatory, at a cost of $25.00 per hour for one (1) guard (up to 100 people), $50.00 per hour for two (2) guards (101 to 200 people). Guards are hired for a minimum of five (5) hours per event. Live band, increases the cost to $75.00 per hour for two (2) guards (regardless of the number of attendees). The guard(s) must be present during the actual hours of your event until the Hall is completely vacated and secured.
The rental rate above provides access to the Hall on the day of your event from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. All parties must end by 10:00 p.m. (including all music and serving of alcohol stopped) and the Hall must be fully vacant and locked up by 11:00 p.m. The entire length of the event is not to exceed six (6) hours (plus one (1) hour for clean-up, no exceptions. This does not include any extra time rented for practice or setting up the day before your event (additional fees required).
Maximum capacity is 200 people (including children). The Association provides 20 tables and chairs for 200 people. The table measurements are 8 ‘x 30″.

We must enforce the legal drinking age of 21. IDs will be checked. All state laws regarding the consumption and/or sale of alcohol must be observed. If you are serving or selling alcohol, you MUST provide: (1) proof of liability insurance to the Association; (2) the Certificate of Insurance for liability must name the SLVHA as an additional insured. You may be able to obtain this coverage through your homeowners insurance or the Association can provide you with a list of insurance providers. You will not be able to serve or sell alcohol without liability insurance. Beer Keg Agreement form must be signed by all applicants regarding keeping the keg in the kitchen or back area outside the Hall only. NO DRINKING OUTSIDE OF THE HALL. The use of propane tanks is prohibited anywhere indoors.
You will also need Private Event Liability Insurance if you serve or sell alcohol. You can obtain this from your homeowners insurance or a list of insurance providers is available in the office.
- You must be 21 years of age or older;
- You must have a valid California Driver’s License;
- You must have a major credit card;
- You must be employed, and be at your present job at least one year;
- You must furnish your Social Security Number.
- If required, a translator must be 18 years of age or older and possess valid identification.
Certain Breaches of the Agreement warrant immediate cessation of the rental and imposition of Liquidated Damages. The parties agree that in the event of a breach (as enumerated below) of the agreement (including the Community Center Rules and Regulations) it will be impracticable and extremely difficult to fix the actual damages to the Homes Association.
Therefore, the parties agree that in such event, the sum of $2,000.00 shall be a stipulated sum representing a reasonable approximation of the damages apt to be suffered by the Homes Association. Further, the Association reserves the right to immediately terminate the rental (prior to or during the rental period) if any of these breaches come to its attention. The minimum fee for these breaches is $100.00. Breaches subject to this provision are:
- Serving alcohol to minors;
- Charging an entry fee for the event, unless previously authorized in the contract by the Homes Association;
- Executing the application if the person signing is not (a) the individual or (b) the authorized representative of the organization sponsoring the event;
- Possession of weapons or illegal substances;
- Distributing flyers of the event in a public place;
- Not vacating the premises by 11:00 p.m.;
- Not ending the party at 10:00 p.m.;
- Misrepresenting the purpose and nature of the event on the contract;
- Misrepresenting the hours and/or number of people;
- Exceeding the number of people as allowed by the Homes Association and/or fire regulations;
- Inappropriate behavior as may be defined by Security Officer;
- The Sheriff’s Department being summoned to come to the premises because of excessive noise or unusual disturbances;
- Evidence of smoking anywhere indoors. (Evidence may be cigarette butts found, burns on the floors, Security Officer=s observations, etc.);
- The use of propane or any other alternative method of cooking is Strictly Forbidden in the kitchen or anywhere inside the Hall. Cooking should be limited to the existing stove/oven;
- When cooking outside, propane gas only can be used to BBQ. It must be kept safely away from the building and out from under the trees. COOKING WITH CHARCOALS IS PROHIBITED.
- No Marijuana/Cannabis products are permitted to be possessed or used on any area of the SLVHA property. (Evidence may be marijuana butts or debris, burns on property, security guard observation, video surveillance, etc)

Any charges or damages in addition to the foregoing shall be as provided elsewhere in the Application and Community Center Rules & Regulations.
Applicant expressly consents to the inspection of the premises by the Alameda County Sheriff or other law enforcement agency at any time during the rental period. Applicant is aware that the Homes Association may request such an inspection and is under no obligation to advise applicant whether or not such an inspection will be conducted.
Cleaning the Hall after the event is required and is to be done in the specified hour following the party. If your party is 4:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., the cleaning must be completed by 11:00 p.m., no exceptions. Cleaning includes mopping the kitchen & bathroom floors. The Hall and entryway floors should be swept only and any spills wiped up. (Cleaning supplies are available at the Hall.) Also, all trash must be placed in the dumpster, decorations taken down, the kitchen and bathrooms cleaned. Any debris (cups, plates, bottles, diapers etc.) outside the Hall, in the playground, or in the parking lot must be picked up. The Hall supplies toilet paper, paper towels, and cleaning supplies. You will need to bring a supply of 45-gallon trash bags.
If you have any further questions, feel free to call (510) 276-4554.
Revised (05/21)