The San Lorenzo Village provides its residents with street sweeping service as an effort to maintain a healthy, safe and clean environment for our community.
Here are ways you can help keep your street clean:
Do not sweep leaves from your front yard, sidewalk, or planter strip onto the street. When large piles of yard waste are vacuumed up by the sweeper it can cause the sweeper to clog and break down.
Do not place leaves or other debris into the street or gutters. Leaves collected and piled in gutters can hide larger objects such as rocks, large twigs, and bricks that damage sweepers, which interrupts the sweeping schedule.
Below is a map that shows which areas are swept on which days (click on the map for a larger version. And click HERE for a PDF of the map, along with a street index.
Please remember also to move your vehicle(s) on your sweeping day and if you are in Monday’s area, where “no parking signs” are posted, you can be ticketed if your vehicle(s) are not moved. Also remove any branches from the street, as our sweeper cannot pick these up.
Alameda County Public Works Agency utilizes a Mobile Citizen App to allow community members to instantly communicate with us about issues they see such as potholes, graffiti, Illegal dumping, etc. For more information about the app and to find a link to download it on your phone, please visit the Mobile Citizen page on their website.
Buy some San Lorenzo Village Swag! T-shirts, baseball caps, and hoodies are available. Click on the images below for pictures of the items.
All items are sold at cost, and any extra money donated will go to fund town events for kids. To purchase, contact the SLVHA by email ( or phone (510- 278-4554).